Japan Singer Association Artist.
Acts as a professional singer, dancer and producer. He has released songs about break dance, wishing for world peace and EDM.
He is a versatile entertainer, active in a variety of settings, including music videos and live performances. His singing is powerful and engaging, and his dance performances are energetic and vivid. His stage work is always powerful and emotional, as well as engaging. His performances will always captivate the audience and leave a strong impression on those who come in contact with his talent and passion. 

プロシンガー、ダンサー、プロデューサーとして活動する。正式名はSingerDancerRising(シンガーダンサーライジング) である。  
2024年からパリオリンピックで正式採用されるブレイクダンスをテーマにしたオリジナルファーストシングル(Wings of Freedom)でデビューした。また世界の平和を願う歌やEDMをリリースしている。
Japan Singer Association(日本歌手協会)HP